
日期:2024-01-01 来源:文案句子网 浏览:0



The window is the rain tonight; wind again knocking at my window, homesick heart is like a grain of soaked seeds, no reason to swell up. The dream that has been wandering for many days has blurred into the winding lane in the village.

Who is that, in the night in the flute and played the homesick song, sad day filled with my heart the wasteland; who is in the interpretation of the song every night Homesick Poems, sad tone with boundless quiet nostalgia drops. Once considered himself in this strange city accustomed to eight five days, in the water like bad days, the hometown of the mountains and rivers, have been drifting away. Suddenly look back, only to find that the dust wrapped in the heart of the aroma, only to understand that he is a flying kite, no matter where you are, the body where the heart of the rope, always tied in front of the home of the Indus trees.

A rain over all my memories and nostalgia like garden leek; long cut; cut off and long. Everything in my hometown flashes in my memory. In my solitude of heart my mind swims like a fish. Once indulged in the life of frustration, but in the mountains of water, the people, the hometown of immutable attitude, in Poetry Interpretation faded into a song without words, a blank verse, and my soul free out, through the numerous hills and streams, return to hometown, and honest folks together to taste the pure rice wine.

When the air and could not see the wild geese flying south, when the plane tree leaves yellow and green, I would not change nostalgia but so playing on the swing, as the hometown of Qingyuan sound, whereas never; as well as Li “ from hate as grass, further more line still living & rdquo;.








“ a process, a process of water body, to the side line of elm, thousand lights at night. More wind, snow, broken hearts - Xiang no, no sound, hometown of ” this is a Qing Dynasty poet Nalanxingde "everlasting longing for you", in order to study, I leave the hometown, left his hometown of Zhangzhou.

The wind slowly blew the leaves, and the rain gently bathed the flowers. I was longing to return to my hometown when I was a child. Linger, although there are only two opportunities to return home in a semester, I will cherish it.

When it rains cats and dogs, I can't help thinking, "what about my hometown?".

The sun shone on the ground, the earth warm and fragrant flowers, a semester is coming to an end, and after a few days to return home, I always can not stop their emotions, happy to jump three feet high. Every time I review my lessons, my pleasure comes back to me. I put down my book and run to the dorm to pack my baggage, even if it has been cleaned hundreds of times.

Sometimes, when all the students go home, I envy them. Night in the dead of night, I lie on the bed quietly, and from time to time miss home: hometown, now home will be like?. Thought of here, I suddenly misty eyes.

The sun shines on the earth and the spring flows through the valley. Although my homesickness is indescribable in a few words, although my mood in my hometown is not expressed in a few words, I will eventually say "&mdash"; — hometown, how are you now? I miss you!


Nostalgia is like a dream, like nostalgia, nostalgia is often a wisp of hair in my heart.

Once Lianjiu bird, fish think therefore abyss. In the distant wanderer, your heart can be a little sad? There is a trace of worry in your heart There is a faint nostalgia in your heart “ all alone in a foreign land, during the festive season ”. Although not to the Mid Autumn Festival, although still far away from the Lantern Festival, but the hearts of the shares of the hometown of the king, the hometown of things, the home of the people's yearning for a long time wandering in mind. I smoke, in the hearts of people travel slowly float, churning in their minds, wrapped around them, at their feet reside. Nostalgia like smoke, with the wind drift away, away from home, the endless yearning of the wanderer, brings the distant relatives sincere greetings, more home friends little blessings. Home, home, I dreamed of home, when can I return to your side?

On a moonlit night, All sounds are still. The window head, tears. The bright moon, bow nostalgia. Whether in the bright moonlight, or in the bright stars, the yearning for home has been in the heart for a long time. I do not know how many nights, in the call awakened; and how many evening, in the sigh of silent tears. Nostalgia is like a dream, silently evoke wandering the hometown thoughts, for family care, for old attachment. The dreams of home, the flowers still open, the birds are still singing, don't know the person is still looking beside the road. Home, home, I dreamed of home, when I can come back to you?

Her hometown pro, but regret hometown love. Those who send wine in nostalgia, holding feelings in doukan. “ wine into the feeling of sadness, into tears ”. In the faint candlelight, accompanied by tears, with melancholy, drink a deep longing for home. Nostalgia is the black hair, often in my heart. There are tears of heart, just feel the hometown kind, only feel the warmth of home, only to feel the hometown of brilliant purples and reds. Home, home, I dreamed of home again, when can I walk into your heart?

Remote hometown, going? Small row boat, the dream into the lotus pu. Back home by a Changhao, with the heart of the river, to the hometown of drifting, diffuse back to hometown. Wandering around, they were still unable to return to their homeland because their cause was in the four directions. They have to carry a boat star, with shining light to return to hometown. Let us ring the bells of hope and look forward to seeing them again in the glorious season. Home, home, I dreamed of home, I will make you proud of me.

The relatives are praying, the friend is waiting, the hometown is calling … … come back, the wanderer from afar!

Flowers will bloom, but they will fade. Birds will sing, but they will eventually leave. Only the people of the ancient ways will be waiting for your return year after year. … … come back, the wanderer from afar!

Mother's wrinkles, the father's white hair, a root, a trace, a sentence, a sound, in the world, there is always a voice calling … … come back, my child!

Come back! You come back, dear friends!

“ hometown people today still, still obsessed with … … ”

Homesickness is not a taste; … …


The window is the rain tonight; wind again knocking at my window, homesick heart is like a grain of soaked seeds, no reason to swell up. The dream that has been wandering for many days has blurred into the winding lane in the village.

Who is that, in the night in the flute and played the homesick song, sad day filled with my heart the wasteland; who is in the interpretation of the song every night Homesick Poems, sad tone with boundless quiet nostalgia drops. I once thought that I had been accustomed to the eight nights and five days in this strange city, and in the days when the water was as bad as the mountain hills in my hometown






















































羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊,中国自古以来便有的思乡情结是包括春节在内的许多传统节日由来的根源,“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟” ,“遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人” ,“独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲” ,思乡一直是中国古代文人所推崇的主题。从这些诗句中,我们看到在外漂泊的游子那经年累月的对家的牵挂。家乡,犹如一块磁石,时时刻刻吸引着游子的心,无论何时,无论何地,都吸引着漂泊的游子回到家乡。这古老的吸引力,不因时代变迁,科技进步而改变,也不因外乡的生活环境优越而消失。对每一个游子而言,它都像慈母手中的那根线,不断牵引他们的心。



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